Top 10 plants for clean indoor air
Indoor air quality is often worse that outdoor air quality. What can you do about it? Grow these plants.
Common name Scientific name Score
1 Areca palm Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 8.5
2 Lady palm Rhapis excelsa 8.5
3 Bamboo palm Chamaedorea seifrizii 8.4
4 Rubber plant Ficua robusta 8.0
5 Dracaena “Janet Craig” Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig” 7.8
6 English ivy Hedera helix 7.8
7 Dwarf date palm Phoenix roebelinii 7.8
8 Ficus Alii Ficus macleilandii “Alii” 7.7
9 Boston fern Nephrolepis exalta “Bostoniensis” 7.5
10 Peace lily Spathiphyllum sp. 7.5
These are plants selected for their ability to remove indoor air pollution, based on research carried out for NASA’s Clean Air Study.
The score is based on four factors,
1. Removal of chemical vapours
2. Ease of growth and maintenance
3. Resistance to insect infestation
4. Transpiration rate
The information is from B.C. Wolverhampton. Eco-friendly House Plants: 50 indoor plants the purify the air in homes and offices. London: Seven Dials, 2000. For information about how to take care of the plants etc., see the book. These plants are very easy to take care of.
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Excellent post. I want to grow these plants in my house! My apartment has been so stuffy, and I've been wondering if anything could be done to rejuvenate it. Thanks to your post I know what I can do about the stuffiness of my apartment.
What an interesting post! I never really correlated the types of plants in my home to the air quality of its environment.
I never realized that certain plants are more helpful than others when it comes to purifying the air we breathe.
This is something to keep in mind when making future purchases.
Interesting to know.
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